Spongbob and the bloody spatual

I was doing thingys and i went to watc TVEE and spongboob was oon and i begined to watc the of a tv and the episod was cald Spongbob the globloody spatual , were begining spongeboob wass cring in a cornee the i was scaredf at the wole thing then spong looked behindhim and a man sat ther and then the screen blakd and spong was now in a room with no food and a loked dore and of at his own sponge parts and then intestunsaasd came out and bloodwent then spactal came blood and guy game vin and bllood spacla killed im and then stabd hiss eye and was all like "f u"then the dspactra then made spong alive then the spactyy6 t g then grabed out spong grain and senf puld out hid insents and ten went krab eyes pulled out of skin shuvd into his stomacccc h and then took all krab monehy and shovd in ckew and krab ded then sqdwera had his nose shoved sasaadadsa up uete holl zsa sand ded and pat dtar had ihsa but riupd ogg and gsuihsD hrd piled huoy i then grabed an m 14 qnf shot the tv and tebgdit and then it turned into stalcla cam after me and i grabd 1 1k 47 and shot it then and ax dandsfrue grabb and drank the bllood of dspactla an then it fell and i likd blood and then kild all ending 4 now